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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I don't see so good!

I broke my glasses. You have to see them. This is what living in New Orleans does to you and your possessions.


There is a benefit to bars closing at 2 a.m. It prevents the following from happening: sitting around with friends on the patio, having some cocktails, maybe some shots, getting some food from the pork truck parked outside (it's better than it sounds!). Then hitching a ride in a mustang (yep and the driver blares techno music) to another bar for some more patio chillin'. And then somebody saying "Holy crap. It's 4:30."

Like 4:30 a.m. Like normally I wake up in 1 1/2 hours from now. An incident like this can really ruin your next day. And your glasses. I guess I slept on them. And then Buddy! chewed them. But honestly, I really don't know what happened.

This is not a usual Friday evening for me. I would much rather go to happy hour, eat dinner and go to bed by 11. I like to be productive during the day. But when the lights never come on in the bar and the bartender never asks you to close your tab, bad things can happen. You've been warned.

In other news, here is another example of how bosses everywhere are trying to turn their office employees into chunk-sters:
I want a Nutty Buddy REALLY bad

Instead I ate plain crackers and snap peas. It tasted about as interesting as this blog post.

Gotta run. Tomorrow I'll show you my masterpiece I painted at the drink-wine-while-you-paint shop. Guess which painting I picked: Painting Gallery of Choices No it was not "Fan Nation."

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