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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Baby you should be in pictures

A few weeks ago we got a note slipped under the gate about location scouts wanting to take a look at our house for an upcoming movie. We never called. If we owned the house or if our landlord wasn't so persnickety (what does that word even mean?) and really, if I just had more time, our house could be in lights!

Instead, it will be our street. On Wednesday.

I don't mind moving my car, but I bet everyone won't. What do they do then? I will be outside snooping in the bushes during this filming. Don't you worry. The movie is about a track star or tennis star who goes to the University of Kentucky or Tennessee and beats all the odds to become a coach or an Olympian or something. Obviously, the description was not that compelling. Oh, but I'll keep you posted.

Horses love beads
The Quarter was fun last week. We saw my cousin and his wife and the Clyesdales!

This weekend is Halloween, which is apparently the second most popular holiday here. I'll take lots of pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't exactly sound like "A-List" movie material.

    Do you know what you will be for Halloween yet?
