I'm a bird detective

Smiled on by the heavens


Birds have "rumps"

Let's hide here

"Run Away!"
We have two juvenile mourning doves living in the bushes by the gate. Bet you didn't know this: baby mourning doves are called squabs and a female always hatches two in her lazily put together nest.
These are just two of the fascinating facts I learned in my "illustrated book about birds," the name that Tasty cleverly came up with for my bird book. Remember the band Nirvana anyone?
By the by, Tasty will now be referred to as
We went bike riding on Saturday and ONE of us took a spill and ONE of us hit his elbow pretty hard. And then ONE of us grew the most incredibly largely swollen elbow I've ever seen in my life. It looks like a softball attached to the middle of an arm. That's the good part. The bad part is that I'm not allowed to put pictures of Tasty on my blog anymore, according to him and his antediluvian internet behavior. So, in honor of the most entertaining elbow I've ever witnessed, Tasty's name is now Elbow. Wish you could see it.
Back to the birds. I've some supersweet bird photos for you. Would you like to see my mourning dove squabs? Well, allow me ...
These pictures show a series of events where I accidentally scared my two favorite neighbors. I was just trying to get the darn mail and they kept going the way I was trying to go. Eventually one flew away and one hid in the corner next to the pond.
Then I felt really bad.
I'm only a little embarrassed to say that I keep scanning the courtyard and trees for the my sole dove's little buudy to show back up, but I may have scared him off for good. And yes, I really do care.
I need a job.
I love bird blog
ReplyDeleteIf you want to see some interesting bird views....go to Metairie and get onto Espandande. Look to the canals and you will see the oddest bird ever! Happy bird hunting!!!
ReplyDeleteI am disappointed in Elbow's refusal to participate.
ReplyDeleteI always claim that one of my hobbies is bird watching, but I never actually get around to bringing out the book and trusty binoculars. You are livin' the dream, buddy!