The trophy

The money shot

Shot 1

The cockroach
"Palmetto Bug" sounds a lot nicer than "gigantic antenna-waving red bug with wings" that was moseying about on the wall of the guest room. The man with whom I live does not like for me to mention him by name on this blog so he will be known as "Tasty" in this story.
Tasty says: Where's my weight belt?
I say: In the guest room closet where all the toys are.
Tasty stares at me until I go and physically root through all of the golf clubs, oars, life jackets, footballs, basketballs, bocce balls and cornhole bags until I pull out this wide leather strip that he is going to fasten around his waist while doing dead lifts. BTW, it's cool to wear a belt on top of gym shorts and with no shirt. It's the latest hipster craze.
Anyhoo, as we are closing the closet door, Tasty nonchalantly points out that there might just be a humongous cockroach right above my head.
And then he decides that the best way to remove the insect is by smashing it with a tiny yellow football that I caught during my first Mardi Gras parade.
I sit back and watch. And I took pictures, so we can all enjoy this stupendous idea.
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