We got this fire pit. For sitting around. It can be used for warmth if the temperature decides to drop below 75 again. Elbow had to work all weekend so he was home all day. I asked him if he wanted to go on a bike ride to the park and he said, "I ate too many potato chips."
Oh yeah, it's exciting down here in Nola.
In other news, my cousin and his wife are in town for a work conference and we are meeting them on Bourbon Street to watch the Clyesdales march through the Quarter. I'm trying to be positive and I genuinely look forward to seeing them, but after you live here for a while, you begin to loathe visiting the Quarter. We wanted to take them out in our neighborhood to show them how beautiful the rest of the city can be, but they haven't had time yet.Word: when you visit New Orleans, spend no more than 10 percent of your time in the French Quarter. Just enough to give the city some of your moola, because that is all they are trying to get down there.
And do not follow any new "friend" to any hidden "club," because it is likely that you will then be charged a $140 cover and not be allowed to leave until you pay. This true horror story brought to you by my very good college friend, C.
We like the idea of coming out the front door and falling directly into the fire pit. |
Blackie & Firestar perform tricks. Blackie grew out of his black spots. |
We don't have to feed the fish anymore. They just eat algae off the plants. This is Redhead. Or Fancy. They look alike from this angle. |
Random pond debris. |
It's going to be a cold winter. |
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