Last night we went to our second cheese tasting class at St. James Cheese. I had to drag Elbow to the first one, but he actually suggested we attend this one. We tried six Northern European "cheeses." I use quotation marks because one was more like nutella. It is called Gjetost and is from Norway. It looks like a caramel. In the picture it is at 1:00.
Counter clockwise form 12:00: Danish Esrom (gag), Danbo, Adellagger, Pittig Gouda, Bel Achelesse and Gjetost (caramel cheese) |
The best was the gouda-delicious. I could barely choke down the Bel Achelesse. Ditto the Esrom. I admit it: I hate most stinky cheese. I have an undeveloped palate. But we met a very nice couple who I asked on a dinner date. You have to put yourself out there when you're new to the city and need friends.
In other news, just had a job interview for my dream job. Everyone keep your fingers crossed.
Going to see my Popaw in Biloxi this weekend. He asked me what kind of pie I'd like him to make: cherry or apple. My 86-year-old grandfather bakes pies and I struggle with cutting up strawberries.
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